Individuals on PUAHate have the intensity in their disposition to change the world as few individuals in the pickup community do.
If you want to change the world, start hacking and trolling psychiatry organization web sites and, if you can, place the content of this page in their web directories:
The individuals on this web site can shape history by changing the perception of psychiatry as a safe profession that has few abuses of power. Its abuses of power are endemic, they are built into the structure of its philosophy and resulting medical care.
The voices of psychiatric patients are few and not yet powerful. You can be one of their powerful voices. In the process, you will save yourself from being persecuted as "crazy" or "insane," a label many individuals in the pickup community use to describe this forum, which has helped us all escape the powerful persuasion of pickup gurus and the cult of Real Social Dynamics.
Rise to the challenge.
The top priority is the American Psychiatry Association, at
Change the conversation about the number one, most hidden, political problem in the United States today.
Like a Jew in the Holocaust, you could someday end up in a mental hospital. I never thought I'd be there, as I was considered in fine health by many people before it happened.
Person who registered under the name, 'Tyler,' you are unwelcome here.
I am saying that everyone here can redirect their anger toward a profession that masquerades as a field of medicine and has a history of such shocking abuses against suffering people that if I detailed them here you would stop reading.
Should you do that and offer alternatives that people can seek to psychiatry, such as the information on Postmodern Vanguard that has helped me so much, you could change world history because the world looks to the United States on how to conduct medicine.
If I have helped you with anything I have said on this forum, consider this a favor you can do me and everyone who ever goes to a mental hospital, which could be you someday. You cannot know.
All of the trolls in this post will go psychotic in the next month probably and experience existential angst like they have never imagined. The signs are there, I have seen them, as I know what to look for.
For those who do, you are cut off from me for trolling me on a post like this. You will have to find relief from your upcoming psychosis somewhere besides me.
It sounds like a curse, but the signs of their upcoming psychosis are evident in what they have been posting.
'Angelina' in particular is going to break down very very hard. It is going to be nasty. You can search his post history to verify the upcoming flurry of thoughts that are coming his way.